The Legend - Legenda

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The Legend

Since I have been going to “Cina”, everybody was talking about “Amsterdam”, how nice was in “Amsterdam Grand Café”, how many things and nice moments took place in “Amsterdam”, how special was that place … it had become a legend… it didn’t exist anymore, … and it was not for anyone, but people were talking about, and there were stories about... how today’s tango of Bucharest revived in that place.

I couldn’t understand and I was angry! Why all this sadness and nostalgia for the „Grand Room“ of Amsterdam? Like any uninitiated person, which was willing to enter the caste, I wanted to see what they all were talking about, to know and to feel the same thing too! Without going and dancing to Amsterdam Grand Room, I was feeling like an outsider… and I was feeling I would never be a true tanguera as I didn’t live those times… hmmm…

There was rumor that Amsterdam opened its doors to tango, and we conquered the Grand Room, and there will be milongas again. I was very impatient to live the experience others had lived before me. Talking with people around me, very excited, I expected people to be happy about this opening and to see the enthusiasm on their face… “Yeaaahhh, they answered not very convinced, but it isn’t as it was once…”?!? What the “beep” was there? Magic? Now that they could dance again into the place they were talking about with so much joy, it was not good. Ok … I’m going there anyway.

I had may dance on a Sunday afternoon in October… Obviously, for others it was far from what they were telling it was once, but it was my Amsterdam, my Sunday, my October dance… on the old streets of Bucharest, the old house where the violins, piano and bandoneon raised their voices again… tango.

And, btw, “Amsterdam” closed, again…


Inca de cand mergeam la Cina, se vorbea de Amsterdam, cat de frumos era in Amsterdam Grand Cafe, cate lucruri si momente frumoase se intamplasera in Amsterdam, cat de deosebit era acel loc… devenise deja o legenda… nu mai era, nu se mai intampla… nu era pentru oricine, dar lumea vorbea, si se povestea... povestea, cum in Bucuresti, tongoul de azi acolo a reinviat.

Nu intelegeam si ma enervam! Ce atata tristetze si nostalgie mare pentru Grand Room? Ca orice neinitiat, care vroia sa intre in casta, vroiam sa vad si io despre ce tot vorbeau oamenii astia din jurul meu, sa stiu si io, sa simt si io! Fara sa fi fost si sa fi dansat la Amsterdam Grand Room, ma simteam ca un outsider… si aveam senzatia ca nu voi fi niciodata o adevarata tanguera daca nu am prins acele vremuri… hmmm…

S-a zvonit cum ca Amsterdam Grand Room s-a redeschis tangoului, cum ca a fost recastigata, si ca se vor face milongas. Eu una, asteptam cu sufletul la gura, ca sa traiesc si eu ce traisera altii. Vorbind in dreapta si in stanga, cu nerabdare, asteptam ca lumea sa se bucure, si sa vad entuziasmul… “daaahhh, ziceau ei, dar tot nu o sa mai fie cum a mai fost…” ?!? Ce-o fi fost acolo? Magic? Acum, ca puteau din nou sa danseze in locul despre care povestisera cu atata euforie, tot nu era bine. Ok, zic,… io oricum ma duc.

Am dansat o dupa-amiza de octombrie, intr-o duminica… evident, pentru altii nu a fost nici pe departe ce povesteau ca ar fi fost odata, dar a fost Amsterdamul meu, duminica mea, dansul meu din octombrie… pe strazile din vechiul Bucuresti, casa veche unde au rasunat din nou viorile, si pianul si bandoneul… tangoul.

Si, btw, Amsterdamul s-a inchis, din nou…


Anonim a spus…
si s-a redeschis acum din nou
La Sastresa a spus…
Si iar s-a redeschis tangoului, acum :)

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